Thinking activity on I.A. Richards Figurative language Recently we have studied I.A. Richards Figurative language. I.A. Richards works: 1. The Meaning of Meaning – 1923 2. The Principles of Literary Criticism – 1924 3.The Practical Criticism – 1929. a. Four Kinds of Meaning b. Two Uses of Language c. On Simile, Metaphor and Symbol In his essay Figurative language he gives his justification on three Poems. Here I'm given the analysis of song: Bhaag DK Bose (Delhi Belly) Daddy मुझसे बोला "तू गलती है मेरी". "तुझपे जिंदगानी guilty है मेरी". साबुन की शक़ल मे बेटा तू तो निकला केवल झाग. झाग.... झाग.... भाग.. >>> भाग भाग...... भाग भाग...... भाग भाग...... भाग भाग...... Oh my god लग गयी, क्या से क्या हुआ. देखा तो कटोरा, झाँका तो कुवा. पिद्...