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Thinking Activity: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

1. What are some major differences between movie and the novel Frankenstein ?

  • When Victor Frankenstein meets Captain Roberts Walton, near the North Pole in the book the doctor is old, ill, weak and dying while in the film Victor is quite young, rather strong and active when he walks to the ship of the sailors.
  • The first part of the story when Victor is a young boy, in the house in Geneva, is narrated by the writer with a detailed description of the place and narration of the facts and feelings. In the film this introductory part is nearly totally absent.
  • In the book, the monster learns how to read and write when Felix teaches his language to an Arabian girl called Sofie by reading from a history book; in the film this girl is not present and we do not have the impression that books are an important influence on the monster. The character of Sofie is important because the De Laceys welcome her into their family, despite the differences of the appearance and culture. This contrast with the rejection that the monster has experienced so far. 
2. Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel?

Yes, movie is better medium to understand the text in short time. Movie is quite faithful to the original text. 
Movie was well directed by Kenneth Branagh. So, by watching the whole movie we get the idea of main theme of Frankenstein.

3. Who do you think is real monster?

"A true monster is evil in human, and lacks remorce or caring for things that a normal, emotional human being should care for."

                                  - Daniel Chandler

According to me Victor is the real monster because he made a science creation then he abandoned his creation because he was horrified from his creation. His abandoned erased the creatures understanding of human compassion and deprived him from a close relationship.

4. From Where Mary Shelley get the idea for the novel Frankenstein ?

 Mary Shelley was travelled in the region of Geneva, where much of the story takes place and the topic of galvanism.

                After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made; her dream later evolved into the novel's story.

5. Do you think the search for the knowledge is dangerous and destructive?

Victor tells Walton, 'Learn from me…how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.'  Victor's pride or search of knowledge destroys him and everyone whom he loves.

6. What are some myths used by Mary Shelley in the Frankenstein? 

There are three types of myths used in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

Paradise lost
Myth of Prometheus

7.Write about the narratology of Frankenstein.

Mary Shelley uses multiple narratives in Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a triply framed story or we can say that story within story so, there are three narrators:    Captain Walton  
Victor Frankenstein  and    
The monster 

Thank you 😊


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