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Save the Girl Child

Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country.

A recent report showed that India’s skewed sex ratio has gotten even worse at 896 from 2015-17. The importance of saving the country’s girl child and improving women’s rights has never been more critical. ( News 18)

The existence of human life on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both women and men. They are equally responsible for the survival of the human race on the earth. They are also liable for the development and growth of a nation.

There are various effective measures following which girl child can be saved to a great extent.  Girls are generally believed to be involved in the cooking and playing with dolls while boys to be involved in the education and other physical activities from the ancient time.

The backwardness of the majority of Indian women is due to lack of education and their economic dependence on men. Hence, it is very necessary that a girl should be educated. True Education will teach a girl what she is and what she should be.  The government and society must pay attention to the  safety and education of girls and women. The government has launched several programmes to develop a girl child. Few of them are the Ladli scheme,  Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme,  Kishori Shakti Yojana, Sabla scheme, etc. 

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a significant campaign to save and educate the girl child in India.

➤ Effective Steps regarding Save Girl Child

  • A girl child should be given equal access and opportunities in every field.
  • The position of girl child in Indian society is backward since ages because of the extreme desire of parents for the boy-child. It has created gender inequality in the society and has been very necessary to remove by bringing gender equality.
  • Empowering women is the most effective tool to save girl child.

➤ Conclusion....

Male and female both are the equal gender for the society. Girls should be considered as equal as boys by their parents and given same opportunities in all the working areas.



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