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Assignment: Paper no. 15

Name : Rudrika Gohel

Course: M.A. English

Sem: 4

Batch: 2017-2019

Roll No: 31

Enrollment No: 2069108420180015

Submitted to: Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English MKBU

Email Id:

Paper No: 15

Topic: Role of television in education

∆ Introduction...

Television has become an important part of our daily life. It has both advantages as well as disadvantages. Television is not only a source of entertainment and advertisements but also an impressive teaching aid of education. Its educational importance can not be

underestimated. It is becoming popular in schools. Its audio-visual quality makes education programmes more effective and interesting. Hence schools are making full use of its potential for importing education. Most of the schools in Delhi have television sets.

A lesson in the class-room is often boring. It does not appeal most of the students. So they do not attend to it. To create interest in lessons television is a good source. In subjects like science and geography, there are many things which can be shown on television. Television can be attached with school curriculum and time tables.  When systematically organized it takes the form of school broadcast.  In non-formal education, television has a more specific role to play.  When used as a part of multi-media communication tool, television can directly or indirectly teach the subject matter.

Importance of television to communicate information, idea, skills and attitudes has been affirmed by researches.  You should attempt to study various reports published on educational television in different countries in different situations.  In the words of Director BBC,

“next to home and school I believer television to have a more profound influence on human race then any other medium of communication.”

The demonstration of the real things is sure to have a lasting impression on the minds of the students, rather than merely telling them or teaching them about those things. Likewise scientific experiments can be demonstrated on the television for benefit of the students. Even the dullest student will understand something and has a smile on his/her face. His/her smiling face shows that his / she is not wasting time but learning something.

The celebration of Independence Day and Republic Day are televised, which contains much educational value. The students get grand opportunity to watch various programmes related with the importance of these historical days. They also get the opportunity to listen to the speeches of our Prime Minister and President. The actual scene along with the particular gesture of our leaders will be remembered more vividly by the students.

There are various types of quiz-programmes shown on the T.V. which provide extra knowledge to the students. The students' general awareness increases. Not only this they also learn the art of speaking by watching these valuable programmes. 
Generally television can help to achieve the following objectives: 
•Social quality in education,  
•Enhance quality in education, •Reduce dependency on verbal teaching and   teachers, 
Provide flexibility of time and space in     learning, 
Stimulates learning, 
•Provide mass education opportunities.

The impact of television on macro level should be studied in three areas namely;
1.  Teacher’s Competencies 
2.  Student’s Competencies 
3.  Effects on general viewers.

Apart from all these beneficial objectives educational television is providing. It is also fairly attractive to students because of the audio-visual elements in it. Almost Every home in the country has a television nowadays and not just the young but even older audience are quite addicted to soap operas and reality shows. All this is because of the engaging content that network provide.

#A Lesson through Television:

A lesson in the class room often boring. It does not appeal to most of the students. So they do not attend to it whole heartedly. The result is the lesson goes unattended. To create interest in the lesson television is a good advice. It has a charm, all its own. No one can deny the good impression of the lesson in the minds of the students. 

..It’s Importance:

The students look forward to the television period most eagerly. It gives them education as well as entertainment. The teacher cannot put them any question during the course of the lesson. So, the students have neither any fear nor any worry. The teaching aids draw their attention. Even the dullest student puts on a smiling look. His smiling face shows that he is not wasting the time.

..The Atmosphere:

The atmosphere is calm and quite. The doors are closed. The teacher has no longer a forwarding look. There is no discipline. Most of the students are busy taking notes. They do not stand any chance of being rebuked or punished. In other words their mind is at rest. So their brain works better. What else does the student need? The aim of the teacher is served. He wants to keep him busy through out the lesson.

..After the Television Lesson:

As soon as the lesson ends the doors are opened for a while. The boys are at rest for some time. Soon after, a discussion on the lesson starts between the teacher and the students. There are many surprises for the teacher during this discussion. Often a back bencher puts a very same objection. The teacher has to recognize the value of a lesson through television when the students react to it so finely.

#Educational T. V. channels...

➤ Discovery...

The world is awesome. So says the slogan of the Discovery channel. Discovery broadcasts documentary television programming  focused primarily on popular science, technology and history. Programming on the flagship Discovery Channel in the U.S. is primarily focused on reality television series, such as speculative investigation (History and Best Evidence), automobiles, and occupations (such as Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch); it also features documentaries specifically aimed at families and younger audiences.

➤ National Geographic Channel...

The 125 year old channel, undoubtedly takes away the crown. Commercially known and also trademarked as Nat Geo, s owned by the National and the Fox Cable Networks division of Fox. The legendary channel broadcasts shows and documentaries with factual content involving nature, science, culture, and history, plus some reality programming. Nat Geo has left no stone unturned in covering a vast section of areas like Video,Photography,Animals,Environment,Travel,Adventure,Television and kids, proving it to be a holistic channel concentrating on various aspects with equanimity.
The channel has remained an all time favorite among kids and adults alike, proving it to be the No.1 channel that caters to all needs irrespective of age. The channel has been felicitated with many awards like the ASTRA awards for Most Outstanding Use of Innovation in Programming, nominations in the Emmy awards among various other laurels.
The channel has always succeeded in living up to its motto:

“Live Curious”
“Think again.”
“Dare to Explore”
“This is Who We Are”

Television is the most wonderful invention of mankind. It is a blessing in diguise. One can hear as well as watch the live programmes taking place at far off places. It has made education easy and efficient.

∆ Conclusion...
The various educational programmes not only impart education but also entertain the students. Even the weak students learn easily the lesson which otherwise seem to them difficult in classroom.
On the whole television is a big source of education. Now it is up to our discretion whether we are making good uses of T.V. or we are wasting our time in watching those programmes which are not mean for us the students.
The western civilization has invaded the Indian culture. Nudity, obscenity and violence put a lasting and degenerating effect on young mind. The students should avoid them. Only educative programmes and a few good serials should be viewed by them.

Work cited...


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