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The White Tiger and Slumdog Millionaire

This blog is a part of thinking activity on similarities between The White Tiger and the film Slumdog Millionaire. The film is adoptation of the novel 'Q&A', written by Vikas Swarup.
Brief information about Slumdog Millionaire.

#Narrative structure - Wanted Poster # KBC show:-

Narrative structure/device, in the novel and movie narrative is similar but device is different. In both the things flashback technique is used, in novel protagonist wrote a letters whereas in the movie there is remembrance of Q show. Balram Halwai is looking at his wanted poster and Jamal remembers his crimes. There is a satire on police system in both, the novel and film. Both the story goes on similar way. Balram and Jamal both are shown as Chaiwala. Through the flashback technique characters recalls the deeds of past. 

# Indianness:-

India is the topic of narration in both the things. There's deep Indianness,  satire on police system, image of slums, two brothers, trains, difference between"knowledge and understanding". While we imagine about the India , there is first imagery of trains. Crowd displays the poverty. Then the archetype of two brothers, one is good and one is bed. Here in the movie the archetypal imagery of two brothers. In the film, game of question plays a vital role. We can find deep Indianness, rigid mentality that anyone who wins, has four kind of possibilities,
i) cheated
ii) He's lucky
iii) He's a genius
iv) It is written
and the fourth one is included here "it is written". 

The film displays the picture of slum, which is harsh reality of India. In the novel, the village Laxmangrah, in which people living in darkness, where the landlords are the most powerful one. So, in India who has the power or money they became the ruler of that place. 

# List of the questions asked in the film 'Slumdog Millionaire'

Most of the questions are related to his past like he was big fan of Amitabh Bachchan and he was asked about his famous movie Zanzeer, so he was definitely known about that film. As it is he was not learnt from the school but from the life. All twists and turns are helpful to him in every question.

1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanzeer"
   a) Shah Rukh Khan
   b) Salman Khan
   c) Amitabh Bachhan
   d) Ranbir Kapoor

Ans. Amitabh Bachchan

2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?
    a) The Truth alone triumphs
    b) Lies alone triumphs
    c) Fashion alone triumphs
    d) Money alone triumphs

Ans. The Truth alone triumphs

3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?
    a) A bow and arrow
    b) A sword
    c) A child
    d) A flower

Ans.  A bow and arrow

The answer of this question is related to his past. The Gothra kand was much live there, he lost his mother. The conflict between Hindu and Muslim is much related with the remembrance of this answer.

4. The song " Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet?
    a) Surdas
    b) Tulsidas
    c) Mira bai
    d) Kabir

Ans. Surdas

5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is portrait of which American Statesman?
    a) George Washington
    b) Franklin Roosevelt
    c) Benjamin Franklin
    d) Abraham Lincoln
Ans. Benjamin Franklin

6. Who invented the revolver?
    a) Samuel Colt
    b) Bruce Browning
    c) Dan Wesson
    d) James Revolver
Ans. Samuel Colt

7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?
    a) Oxford
    b) Leeds
    c) Cambridge
    d) London
Ans. London

8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?
    a) Sachin Tendulkar
    b) Ricky Ponting
    c) Michael Slater
    d) Jack Hobbs
Ans. Jack Hobbs

9. In Alexander Dumas' book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer?
    a) Aramis
    b) Cardinal Richetieu
    c) D' Artagnan
    d) Planchet
Ans. Aramis

#Deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools / theories.

From postcolonial perspective, the film is very problematic. A westerner, Danny Boyle directed the film, which is not satisfies the Indians. The film described the harsh reality of India, and the white people are so much glad to see it. Because it is their wish that Indians are always remain poor, it is beneficial for them. Director used the reality of India, politics, the real side of police system, child abuse. In the film Latika is the example of that, and how Salim is making fool of foreigners to looting them, which not accepted in the Indian society. So, from the postcolonial perspective the film is very problematic.

#Compare with Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel.

In the novel and the film, both are goes parallel, the dark side of country. Corruption, poverty, darkness, the difference of city and village. It breaks the archetype of village, which has purity, truth, but the novel reveals the truth. We are making proud of family structure, spirituality, rich heritage but it is only texture of India which shown in the novel and film. In both the novel and film, there is same treatment of subject. Light and humourous, comic, dark comedy. 

Thank you...:)


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