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Mass Media and Communication: It's importance

Mass Media 

Mass Media is a platform through which people can communicate with larger numbers of a people. Some of the most popular forms of mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, advertisements, social media, television, Internet, and films/movies.  

As time goes on changes we can find some new sources of mass media. As time changes the tools also changes, like earlier we have to wait for the newspaper and we can get information from only newspaper or radio. But nowadays we are familiar with digital newspaper, social media, blogs, different websites etc.

 Which is your favorite Mass media platform for communication? Why do you like it? What are its drawback?

Well, there is a lots of platforms for communication but, I'm fun loving person so, I would prefer Cinema. Communication is a medium of to express our thoughts. Movies have various frames, characters expresses their thoughts with with different types of expressions. We can get some social messages. Movies are the combination of sound and moving pictures so, it is quite interesting. Their use of different tone for speaking, it addressed that how we can speak with different tones when it's needed. 

Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages, so, there is certain kind of drawbacks of cinema that, everyone can take it seriously about communication, most of people viewed it as means of entertainment. So, it has some disadvantages also.

For actual communication I have used WhatsApp and Facebook. Well, Facebook is not much interesting for me, because most of the time I'm busy with WhatsApp. I have found it much easier and personal. So, these are my views about mass media and it's various platforms.

Thank you...:)


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