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Education play very important role. Nowadays, to get a job, is only reason to be educated. So, in education technology has also much importance.
# Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education?
Use of technology in education increased the level of authenticity. Technology makes the people smarter. New computer programs and mobile apps plays initial role to solve the daily life problems.
Eg. If we writing notes on Microsoft word, the spelling and grammatical can be found easily (red underline). The level of accuracy can be increased by the use of such programs. Mobile learning and long distance learning. The use of internet technology has enabled teachers to reach students across boarders and also students from developing countries have used internet technology to subscribe for advanced educational courses. Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual classrooms. So, we can say, technology becomes second teacher.
# What is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating' technology?
There is a difference between them. Using technology for learning it makes sense. Technology gives opportunity when you integrate technology, it use inside the classroom should be planned and purposeful. By using modern devices and online learning tools, some teachers think that they are already successful with technology integration but in reality students are not engage entirely. So, it is important for all teachers to understand the difference between technology use and technology integration.
#How can we integrate technology?
Technology integration provides the advantages to students and teachers. It helps to connect with the world. Through the use of technology trained students present their new knowledge. Such programs like Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, it provides photographs, diagrams, sound effects, music and so on, through all these things we can gave effective presentations. So, the integration technology in a classroom is a powerful way to promote and extend learning.
# Can technology replace teacher?
While many teachers are excited by technology and interesting in to enhance their knowledge, but we can't replace the teacher by technology. Because technology provides us knowledge but how can we apply, it is taught by teachers. Computers can not provide basic human traits and life skills to students. A teacher does not only share knowledge, but also teaches the students the necessary life skills and experiences. So, technology can not provide that much learning.
# Write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language'.
There are varieties of any language but we are talking about English. English take place everywhere. We find English in subtitles, newspapers. We never know a world without internet. The imflinflu of technology in blogging, facebooking or twittering. Technologies influence the language in quite specific ways. New variety of language texting has been condemned as "textese", "slanguage" a 'digital viruse'. People think that the written language seen mobile phone is new but all the popular beliefs about texting are wrong. Texting has added a new dimension to language use but it's long-term impact is negligible. It is not a disaster.
# Name one web-tool which can help in development of all four L-S-R-W skills.
I use to prefer blog. It helps me to increase my vocabulary and writing skills. Through the videos listening skills can be developed. So, I found the blogger very much helpful to increase the L-S-R-W skills.
Thank you.....
Education play very important role. Nowadays, to get a job, is only reason to be educated. So, in education technology has also much importance.
# Why is it necessary to use Technology in Education?
Use of technology in education increased the level of authenticity. Technology makes the people smarter. New computer programs and mobile apps plays initial role to solve the daily life problems.
Eg. If we writing notes on Microsoft word, the spelling and grammatical can be found easily (red underline). The level of accuracy can be increased by the use of such programs. Mobile learning and long distance learning. The use of internet technology has enabled teachers to reach students across boarders and also students from developing countries have used internet technology to subscribe for advanced educational courses. Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual classrooms. So, we can say, technology becomes second teacher.
# What is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating' technology?
There is a difference between them. Using technology for learning it makes sense. Technology gives opportunity when you integrate technology, it use inside the classroom should be planned and purposeful. By using modern devices and online learning tools, some teachers think that they are already successful with technology integration but in reality students are not engage entirely. So, it is important for all teachers to understand the difference between technology use and technology integration.
#How can we integrate technology?
Technology integration provides the advantages to students and teachers. It helps to connect with the world. Through the use of technology trained students present their new knowledge. Such programs like Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, it provides photographs, diagrams, sound effects, music and so on, through all these things we can gave effective presentations. So, the integration technology in a classroom is a powerful way to promote and extend learning.
# Can technology replace teacher?
While many teachers are excited by technology and interesting in to enhance their knowledge, but we can't replace the teacher by technology. Because technology provides us knowledge but how can we apply, it is taught by teachers. Computers can not provide basic human traits and life skills to students. A teacher does not only share knowledge, but also teaches the students the necessary life skills and experiences. So, technology can not provide that much learning.
# Write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language'.
There are varieties of any language but we are talking about English. English take place everywhere. We find English in subtitles, newspapers. We never know a world without internet. The imflinflu of technology in blogging, facebooking or twittering. Technologies influence the language in quite specific ways. New variety of language texting has been condemned as "textese", "slanguage" a 'digital viruse'. People think that the written language seen mobile phone is new but all the popular beliefs about texting are wrong. Texting has added a new dimension to language use but it's long-term impact is negligible. It is not a disaster.
# Name one web-tool which can help in development of all four L-S-R-W skills.
I use to prefer blog. It helps me to increase my vocabulary and writing skills. Through the videos listening skills can be developed. So, I found the blogger very much helpful to increase the L-S-R-W skills.
Thank you.....
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