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'Design' by Robert Frost

 Activity on 'Design' by Robert Frost
The design signifies the beauty or plotting of something. Design can be artificial or natural. In this poem it is about the God is exists or not because imagery of spider indicates that the God may be good or evil.

First of all there is imagination of white spider, who hiding itself in a white flower. One another character is moth which is also white, who is sticking between death and life. The body of moth is frozen to stuck by spider, moth represent as a prey of spider. Moth is the tragic figure of the poem, it shows the intensity of pain. Moth represent as a prey of spider. But, there is purity also because for spider it becomes necessary to eat the moth. Poet suggests the flower, the heal-all which indicates that the life is full of evil and innocence. The last two lines describes in rather playful terms what these special ingredients are , so the spider is a snow-drop, the flower a froth and the moth's wings a paper kite.


The image of natural painting looks very simple but our interpretation is different, because everyone has a different imagination. Firstly if we looks at the picture, it indicates the view of morning. Here, I'm given various interpretation and compare the poem with my drawing.

➤ Morning: positive or negative

Morning means new day or we can say new birth, if we look at the picture, it gives the positive side of nature. Sun is rises, birds are in the search of food. Where as the poem suggest the morning as the death of moth, because when moth dies it becomes food for spider and it shows the ugliness of nature. So, in the poem morning doesn't give positive energy.

➤Reflection of  darkness and happiness

If we lived in lap of nature the life will be gleeful, here in the picture there is happiness in everywhere, sunny day, one small but beautiful house, it gives happiness. But when nature becomes an agent of death it is the most painful thing. Spider stucks the moth so, it is the dark side of nature. There is pattern of nature which represents the darker side and good side.
Thus, we are habituated to think only positive or good things we never think of the other side of the nature. The moth is food for spider, so it is necessary for spider's existence and it is natural cycle.
#if we look at the incidence in the poem we can interpret, the death of moth because it is white, the spider is white and the flower is white also, if we look at this thing it can be incident or an intrigue for the death of a moth. We can call it the pattern of nature or food chain which is important for living things.

Thank you......


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