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Oneness of Literature

Online discussion 2

Literature has different form but it connected with each other, where it is new or old. When new work comes it is modified by write but for the previous work it the readjustment. It call consonancy between the old and the new literature.

To understand any literature we have to connect with it, all those are written, those being written, and those yet to be written it needs understanding of swallow this continuity. When one pattern is followed by another writer and uses the sign, symbool, character or situation, which is used by previous writer it becomes literary metaphor, as Northrop Frye call archetypal pattern.

*Northrop Frye

In the Archetypal Criticism Northrop Frye talked about seasons. He says that our emotions and feelings are related with season.

Every organized body of knowledge can be learned progressively; and experience shows that there is also something progressive about the learning of literature.

Frye given the example of oneness, all literature shares common DNA or skeleton, our body has different shapes and progress but the structure of our skeleton comprises the oneness.

#T. S. Eliot

In essay “Tradition and Individual Talent” Eliot talks about pastness of past and its relevance with present. He was also
emphasis on historical sense. Sense of history is most important to understand any text.

And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free.


We can find many similarities in short story of Chekhov and these lines of Waste Land. In both the context surrounding and incidents are same. In both the context driving on sled plays important role to evoke such emotions. Or we can say one difference, there is attraction for opposite gender while in short story it is only love.

Russian story by Antov Chekhov, he includes mountain, the loveful past of characters. As oneness of all literature the archetypal symbols, situations, are archetypes of love story. Like Nadia remembers her happy days of lovely past.
The short story is  based  on love story so, there is some symbol of mountain, Garden, it's kind of imaginary or their is two characters talk with each other and they're express they view regarding in sexual Desire, sexual excitement, sexual perversion. Where the theme of the poem "Spiritual degradation", where all are burning with lustful fire because in the story both are going in the hill and enjoying and this point Shaw degradation. In the story "A Joke" Checkhow identifies it as a joke and satire on it, there in the story Nadia remember her past in her present also. 

Eliot's views  about the theme of sexual perversion, he said love is good but sexual lust is not good, and through the example of Tristan and Isolde and story of Hyacinth  that how their love is not pure but lusty. In the short story, there is some kind of sexual desire but we can not say the lust ful desire because at the end the girl was married with someone else and she had children so, the sacrifice or we can say their selfless love leads towards them to the purity.

Here is my interpretation about oneness of literature, there is oneness in both, the poem and the story, because writers were used some kind of archetypal symbols to represent the desire of love.

Thank you.....


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