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Film review : 'The Modern Times' and 'The Great Dictator'...

  • Literary review of 'The Modern Times and 'The Great Dictator'.....

If we talked about modern literature, we can clearly say that individuals is more important than society. Modernist writers broke the way of writing which is followed by earliest. The inner workings of consciousness were common for all the modernists, that is led them to a form which called stream of consciousness.

Films are one type of window  to another world from books. In both the films 'The Modern Times' and 'The Great Dictator' the modern era was reflected with many relevant points. Charlie Chaplain shows how in the modern era a simple worker has become a part of the machines around him. Chaplain was a versatile actor, he can make fun of him to entertain us and creates a tragic situation as well. So, first let's see the overview of both the films.

'The Modern Times'

'The Modern Times' is directed and produced by Charlie Chaplin. It is  essentially a slient film. The dialogues is mostly in title card and conversations are also in a slient way.  When film was started the first fram shows us how people  run in sheepl way. They can't even though about where they are goes. In the movie we can find directors futurism, how machines moving around man.

Director emphasis on industrialization, but it causes unemployment. The film is culturally very significant. Tramp as factory worker main protagonist and female protagonist as a Gamin.  As a versatile actor Charlie Chaplin make tragic scene in a very comic way. The film maker put the stress on the clock in a very significant way, because time controls the human life. 

While moving towards the characteristics of modern literature the film is connected with many issues like, 

- Growing interested in the poor and working classes

Industrilazation causes the unemployment it gets impact on poor and working classes. Thousands of people came for one vacancy.

Thus, The Modern Times  is a imagination of industrialization and fight for happiness of human life and director portraits the last fram in significant way, Dawn as new hope for human being

'The Great Dictator'

'The Great Dictator' is Chaplin's first dialogue movie and commercially most successful film. Film was released in 1940 when the beginning of second world war. The movie starts with first first world war with Jew soldier. The film generally moves around the life of Ghetto people. 

As characteristics of modern literature the movie consistent,

- Impact of the Two world wars 

Dictators are free themselves but they enslves others. Ghetto people are lived in fear of Hynkel. Chaplin plays a role of Hitler. He acted very well as Hitler, and involves a great perception that Hitler was hated the Jewish community and shows how Hitler's rules and regulations harassed Jewish people. 

Thus, both movies helps us to understand the modernist literature.....

  • Thank you.....


  1. Bery nicely u haVe described the events nd blog look apt with the images of film screening. Keep it up dear


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