Coleridge's Biographia Literaria
Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions, is an autobiography in discourse by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which he published in 1817.The work was originally intended as a mere preface to a collected volume of his poems, explaining and justifying his own style and practice in poetry.
The work grew to a literary autobiography, including, together with many facts concerning his education and studies and his early literary adventures, an extended criticism of William Wordsworth's theory of poetry as given in the preface to the Lyrical Ballads (a work on which Coleridge collaborated), and a statement of Coleridge's philosophical views. (Wikipedia)

1. Write in your words the difference between poem and prose. Give illustrations to support your answer.
Poem is an arrangements of words that contains meaning and musical elements. poem is species of composition which is opposed to work of science. According to Coleridge, The poem contains the same elements as a prose composition, but the difference between the combination of those elements and objects aimed at in both the composition.
Prose means the ordinary language, which is used by people in speaking or writing. In Prose ideas are contained in sentences and than that are arranged in paragraphs. On the other hand Poem is expressing something in artistic way. In Poem language is more expressive and decorated. Prose has elements of truth & poem has pleasure.because as we see above that prose has simple structure containing particular subject matter & that only has aimed to be strict to the truth,while poem has sentimental & emotional journey of poet with full expressions & decorations that should have the aim of delight or please to others only. The word "prose" is derived from a Latin word, "Prosa," that means "straightforward."
Prose examples in popular literature,
Prose in Novels
Example #1
"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen," 1984- George Orwell
Example #2
"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." David Copperfiled - Charles Dickens
2. Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.
A poem can be writer's thought and feelings in order to set a mood. It can be happy or sad, simple or complex. A poem can either rhyming or non- rhyming. whereas we define a poetry as a literary art, evoked in language.It can be written on its own or in combination with other arts as in poetic drama, poetic hymns, lyrical poetry and prose poetry.
Poetry is distinguished from other forms of writing by its use of repetition,verse, rhyme and aesthetics. It uses words and speech in rhetoric, drama, song and comedy. Poetry uses rhythm, alliterations which give it musical effect. It uses symbolism, metaphor to suggest different interpretations.
Poetry is the use of words and language to evoke a writer’s feelings and thoughts, while a poem is the arrangement of these words.
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